Thank you, Waylon Jennings. You summed it up for me in just a few words.
If you just arrived at this page you may be lost. Or perhaps you are looking for something and got misdirected here. This is the personal website of Chuck Chamberlin, and no, Waylon Jennings did not know me, nor I him. But the lyrics he sang about in the title to this page have been adopted by me as my personal mantra. So once again, speaking as a big fan, thanks Waylon. RIP Hoss.
But since you are already here, all is not lost. You are welcome, or should I say implored, to look around before you dash off to wherever. My site is sort of a scrapbooky-thingy with an eclectic collection of stuff that you may or may not find interesting. I’m working on that ‘interesting’ aspect, but it’s difficult to make something out of nothing. Kinda like my favorite saying is "I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left." And some of that vast amount of nothing is on display here. Some –not all, because I still have a crap ton of nothing that I haven’t sorted out and anyway, I’m too lazy to try to put all of it on here. So what you do see on here is, . . . .well, it is what it is.
And it changes. I like change, so I reserve the right to make as many changes as I wish. Mostly I do that for me, so I can come back from time to time and surprise myself.